
Cromwell Bridge TEST

Helping Kids, Strengthening Families
  • FAQS


  • What is your inclement weather policy?
  • What does it mean if my child graduates from The Arrow Center for Education – Cromwell Bridge?
  • How do you help students transition back to their home school?
  • Is the Cromwell Bridge school the same as the Diagnostic Center?
  • How can my child attend the Cromwell Bridge school?
What is your inclement weather policy?

Arrow Cromwell follows Baltimore County Public Schools’ inclement weather decisions and will make up any missed days.

What does it mean if my child graduates from The Arrow Center for Education – Cromwell Bridge?

Because your student completed the graduation requirements of their Local School System, which are the same requirements as their home school, your child’s diploma or certificate of completion will say the name of their home school—Loch Raven High, Perry Hall High, etc. It is then up to your child if they want to share where they achieved those diploma requirements and mention Arrow.

How do you help students transition back to their home school?

It varies on the needs of the student, but we work closely with the LSS, to create a plan that works for that student. Sometimes, that involves a student attending their home school for half of the day and to the Arrow Cromwell school for half of the day, before fully going back. But in all cases, we work to ensure that the supports and skills needed in the home school environment are closely mirrored and practiced at Arrow Cromwell, to increase the success as the student returns.

Is the Cromwell Bridge school the same as the Diagnostic Center?

No, though they are housed in the same building. Both the Arrow Center for Education Cromwell and the Arrow Diagnostic Center are part of Arrow Child & Family Ministries. However, they are different programs and have different staff teams. The programs work collaboratively together and benefit from sharing a building, but each program has their distinct spaces.

How can my child attend the Cromwell Bridge school?

Students come to us through the IEP central team process. A Local School System (LSS) will refer the student to us. We will contact the family and set up a tour for both the family and student. Interested parents are always welcome to tour the school even if they have not been referred. It is our courtesy to the LSS to notify them if an interested parent tours before a central IEP.