GUEST POST: Why does God call people to adopt?
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GUEST POST: Why does God call people to adopt?
This might seem like a question with an obvious answer. But sometimes, stating the obvious is a good thing.
For us, the call to adopt was heard relatively late in life. In fact, it was about the time we’d decided we were done growing our family the biological way. Yes, we’d told God we were His, and surrendered our plans to Him, but no more kids, m’kay?
Adoption was not even on our radar.
Almost 10 years later, we have adopted 7 children from China. Our beautiful brood has grown from 4 to 11. The Lord has done a mighty big work in our little family.
But why? Why are some of us called to adopt?
When we accept Christ as our Savior, He calls us to join Him in His story of redemption. In fact, Jesus tells us to “Go…” For each of us that is a unique directive, and for some of us, that is adoption. And when God calls us to adopt, I can testify… He can use it to transform us in a big way.
5 Reasons God Calls Us To Adopt:
1. For the orphan. This might seem painfully obvious, but oh my, does the Lord do an amazing work in the life of a once-orphaned-but-now-beloved-
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