
Engaging Lessons at Tangram School in Maryland

March 11, 20250

Tangram, students explored exciting topics across their classes! In math, they worked on labeling coins and understanding their value, while science classes focused on recycling. Social Studies lessons covered maps, helping students develop a sense of geography.

Classroom 5 took a deep dive into weather, learning how temperature determines whether precipitation falls as rain or snow. To wrap up the lesson, students conducted a fun science experiment, observing how temperature affects the melting of a peppermint candy.

In Classroom 7, students expanded their vocabulary through interactive activities. Using picture-labeled envelopes placed around the room, they matched new words to their meanings, reinforcing their learning in a hands-on way.

To end the week, students put their cooking skills to the test, preparing dips and snacks in anticipation of the Super Bowl. From shopping for ingredients to following recipes, they combined learning with fun in the kitchen!

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